
Podcast: Dr. Shelly Batra Working to Eliminate TB in India

Operation ASHA is an NGO based out of New Delhi, India and Chicago, USA

Listen to Shelly Batra Podcast

Summary: Shelly Batra is a renowned gyn & obs surgeon in New Delhi. She has a deep desire to serve the community. She has worked pro-bono for dissemination of medical information with many television stations and newspapers and written two books for Penguin Publishers.

After providing health care in urban slum communities for two decades, Shelly co-founded Operation ASHA with the mission of eradicating tuberculosis. It has now become one of India”s largest nonprofits in TB control, serving a population of 1 million. Not only that, it is respected world-wide for its performance in TB treatment. Its success is due to its innovative treatment approach: delivering the services to the doorsteps of the disadvantaged. As a result, Operation ASHA has dramatically improved patient outcomes, successfully overcoming the many barriers to treatment, including destitution, poverty, illiteracy, and poor environmental conditions.

For the past two decades, she has been providing consultations and carrying out free surgeries for the needy. She organized 60-70 free surgeries every year and provided free consultation to thousands.

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