Researchers at the Center for Tuberculosis Research located at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have shown that heart medication, verapamil administered in combination with bedaquline lowers the toxicity of the TB drug without altering its efficacy. The paper, titled ‘ Verapamil...
News about 'Johns Hopkins'
19 Sep 2011
Botella H, Peyron P, Levillain F, Poincloux R, Poquet Y, Brandli I, Wang C, Tailleux L, Tilleul S, Charrière GM, Waddell SJ, Foti M, Lugo-Villarino G, Gao Q, Maridonneau-Parini I, Butcher PD, Castagnoli PR, Gicquel B, de Chastellier C, Neyrolles O. Mycobacterial p(1)-type ATPases mediate resistance...