News about 'voices'

4 Mar 2010
Prof. Hans Rosling Compared to the widespread news coverage during the swine flu outbreak, TB receives little coverage, especially when you calculate the ratio of news hits to mortality. During a 13 day period in April and May of 2009, the WHO confirmed 31 deaths from swine flu. In that same period...
24 Feb 2010
Dr. Jacques Grosset Dr. Jacques Grosset’s biography is excerpted from his staff page on the Johns Hopkins Medicine website . Since the beginning of my professional life I have been involved in research to improve the control of tuberculosis, mainly by improving treatment of tuberculosis and...
11 Feb 2010
photo: David Rochkind On my third day in Mumbai I met Rehmat Shekh, a 28 year old woman who is HIV postive and battling TB for the first time in her life. When I walked into her home, a small 8×10 foot room that she shares with 3 family members, she was on the floor, her gaunt frame covered by a...
4 Feb 2010
Editor’s Note: This posting originally appeared on the TB Alliance website . Deborah Mushamba of University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Zambia The TB community voice is essential to stopping the epidemic. Here, a health worker, activist, and TB Alliance Community Engagement coordinator talks about...
4 Feb 2010
Susan Dorman Susan Dorman serves on the faculty at Johns Hopkins University in TB Research is also the Medical Director of the Baltimore City TB Clinic. This interview was filmed at JHU on November 13, 2009.
16 Nov 2008
This post originally appeared on By Patrice Poltzer for CNN A mother comforts her young son who is suffering from TB meningitis. Photo: James Nachtwey LONDON, England — Many people think of tuberculosis as being a disease from the past. The truth is far from it: Tuberculosis is mutating...
