On December 6, 2018, at 7AM EST, TREAT TB will host a capacity building webinar on community engagement in MDR-TB clinical trials.
It will feature a presentation from Ezio Tavora dos Santos Filho, STREAM Community Engagement Coordinator from REDE-TB, followed by a question and answer session.
The presentation will highlight the importance and objectives of community engagement in clinical research, how to implement community engagement before a trial begins, as well as how to bring community engagement into an existing trial. To join the webinar, click here.
A recording of the webinar and slides will be available on the TREAT TB website approximately one week after the webinar.
TREAT TB’s MDR-TB clinical trial capacity building webinar series will continue over the coming months, with webinars scheduled for January, March, and May 2019.
Future topics to be addressed include regulatory requirements, institutional review boards and ethics approval, as well as laboratory strengthening.