
WGND Announces a Call for Applications to Become a Core Group Member

29 Jul 2020
by Working Group

The WGND is announcing a call for applications to become a part of the WGND Core Group (CG). The CG provides leadership and sets the strategic direction for the work of the WGND. Addmitted applicants will begin their term in September 2020. Current CG membership information is available on the WGND website under Members.

The CG is designed to facilitate and accelerate decision-making, and to act as a catalyst for effective implementation of the Global Plan to Stop TB 2018 - 2022. While meeting these objectives first and foremost, every effort will be made to ensure that the CG is reflective of the WGND membership. The CG is composed of the Co-Chairs, appointed members based on a vote of current CG members, and at least two community representatives. Members will serve for three years with the possibility of one renewal. The CG members form the coordinating centre of the WGND. Therefore CG members have to be able and willing to devote time to the activities related to the terms of reference (TOR) listed below.

The TOR of the CG include:

• Assisting with implementation of WGND initiatives;
• Assisting the Co-Chairs in determining and addressing strategic and operational issues;
• Initiating, overseeing and managing the activities of the WGND;
• Serving as an independent, technical, expert advisory group where needed by the WGND and/or the Partnership
• Closely collaborating with and consulting the other Stop TB WGs on crosscutting issues.

To apply to become a CG member, you must be a WGND Member or expert in the field of TB drug discovery & development. Applicants are asked to provide the following in an email to by Friday, August 21st :

  • An updated CV
  • A statement of interest that includes:
    1. Please describe your contribution to the WGND Core Group.
    2. Please describe your interest to join the WGND Core Group.   

Applicants will receive a confirmation from the Secretariat stating that their application is under review. 

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