
Dr. Lee Reichman responds to TB and Haiti crisis

Last week, a story in the NY Times explored the emerging threat of drug-resistant TB spreading in the aftermath of the tragic earthquake in Haiti.

On Sunday, Feb 14, the NY Times published in a letter to editor from Dr. Lee Reichman, MD, MPH (Professor and Executive Director, UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School Global Tuberculosis Institute) in response to the original article. Dr. Reichman provides greater context to drug-resistant TB as a global health threat, and articulated the important role new TB drugs will play in controlling and preventing drug-resistant TB.

” But the point that urgently needs to be raised is that these multiple and extensively drug-resistant TB strains are already increasing globally even in the absence of major disasters.

Propagation of drug-resistant strains always occurs because of neglected or inappropriate basic TB control practices. Obviously, these situations are magnified by a major disaster such as you describe in Haiti. But these can be fixed by political will, resolve and financing.”

Click here to read the full response

What suggestions do you have regarding the global threat of TB? Of drug resistant and multi-drug resistant TB? Share your thoughts and comments below.

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