Tuberculosis continues to become more resistant to existing drug regimens resulting in a need for constant innovation on the part of drug researchers. In an article published by which can be found here , researchers are reported to have found a chemical alteration that makes...
News about 'TB News'
22 Nov 2015
20 November 2015 – Geneva, Switzerland — The world is losing its battle with tuberculosis (TB), which is now the biggest infectious killer globally, causing 1.5 million deaths every year. Without a clear investment plan and a complete overhaul in how this disease is tackled, TB is unlikely to be...
10 Jun 2014
On June 9 th , the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) released six policy reports detailing the domestic and global health burden of tuberculosis and recommendations for the United States government to combat the disease. The policy reports were the culmination of major findings...
29 Apr 2014
The European Commission has approved Delaminid (Deltyba™) for use in patients suffering from MDR-TB. Delamanid was developed by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a Japanese pharmaceutical company dedicated to drug discovery for tuberculosis. The press release from Otsuka can be found here Related...
22 Apr 2014
TB Alliance has announced that it will conduct a landmark Phase 3 clinical trial aimed at shortening the treatment of drug sensitive and MDR-TB. The trial known as STAND (Shortening Treatments by Advancing Novel Drugs) will test the PaMZ drug regimen composed of two drug candidates not yet approved...
22 Apr 2014
The drug SQ109, developed by Sequella for the treatment of tuberculosis, blocks key biochemical pathways in bacteria, fungi, and parasites. The multiple targets of SQ109 have been determined by researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The researchers also created analogs of SQ109...
26 Mar 2014
TB Alliance , an international non-profit whose mission is to develop better and more affordable drugs against tuberculosis, made three announcements on World TB Day demonstrating their commitment to combating childhood TB. Web portal for childhood TB On World TB Day, the TB Alliance in partnership...
11 Mar 2014
Vadim Makarov et. al. Towards a new combination therapy for tuberculosis with next generation benzothiazinones . EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2014. March 1; 6(3). doi: 10.1002/emmm.201303575 A new antibiotic, labeled ‘PBTZ169’, has been shown to be effective against drug sensitive and MDR-tuberculosis...
6 Mar 2014
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recently approved Sirturo (bedaquiline) for conditional use in the European Union for adults suffering from pulmonary MDR-TB. The press release from Multimedia News Release can be found at:
5 Mar 2014
Richard E. Lee et al. Spectinamides: a new class of semisynthetic antituberculosis agents that overcome native drug efflux . Nature Medicine. 2014. March 6; 20(152). doi:10.1038/nm.3458 Abstract: Although the classical antibiotic spectinomycin is a potent bacterial protein synthesis inhibitor, poor...
25 Nov 2013
Source: European Medicines Agency On 21 November 2013, the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) recommended the granting of a conditional marketing authorisation for the medicinal product Deltyba for the treatment of lung infections due to multidrug-...
24 Oct 2013
Click to access report. This is the eighteenth global report on tuberculosis (TB) published by WHO in a series that started in 1997. It provides a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the TB epidemic and progress in implementing and financing TB prevention, care and control at global, regional...
9 Sep 2013
By: Shashank Gupta ( ) In a significant finding for millions of TB patients, researchers have recently shown that adjunct chemotherapy with verapamil can accelerate tuberculosis treatment in mouse model. Investigators at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine have found that adding...
29 Jul 2013
Source: Bloomberg Otsuka’s Drug-Resistant TB Treatment Fails to Win EMA Nod Otsuka Holdings Co. (4578) failed to win the backing of a European Medicines Agency panel for the Delamanid medicine...
16 Jul 2013
Source: Sequella, a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company commercializing novel antibiotics to treat life-threatening infectious diseases, today announced that it has licensed Pfizer Inc’s exclusive worldwide rights to develop and...