
TB R&D Weekly Update: Marine Drug Discovery Symposium at the NYAS

The New York Academy of Sciences will be hosting a symposium entitled “New Frontiers in Marine Drug Discovery” on May 20, 2011.

This 1-day symposium will overview the current state of the art in Marine Biomedicine and its role in the context of the drug discovery process – from the perspectives of both academia (early stage discovery) and industry (therapy development).

Plenary presentations will showcase recent improvements in natural product chemistry and new technologies addressing previous challenges in the development of therapies from natural sources, with special emphasis on those obtained from marine species. Participants will also 1) overview the present landscape of marine–derived compounds either approved, being developed or in clinical trials for treating various malignancies, including cancer, neurological, infectious, cardiovascular, metabolic, and inflammatory diseases, and 2) explore the challenges, lessons and future directions learned from a few examples of pioneering efforts, failures, and successes in the translation of small molecules of natural marine origin into new therapies for disease.

Call for Poster Abstracts

The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, April 29, 2011. For complete abstract instructions, please send an e-mail to: Type the words “Abstract Information” in the subject line-there is no need to type a message. Instructions will be forwarded automatically. Any questions, please call 212.298.8632.

Additional TB R&D News:

Top 30 medicines to save mothers and children

TB still cause for concern in South East Asia: WHO

South Africa: The Success of Decentralising DR-TB Treatment

Association of mutation patterns in gyrA/B genes and ofloxacin resistance levels in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from East China in 2009

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