At the 19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in Seattle, results on the Thibela TB preventative therapy trial in South Africa gold miners was presented with mixed outcomes. On one hand, the number of cases in miners in the experimental group who screened negative for TB received daily isoniazid preventative therapy for 9 months was significantly less than miners who did not receive preventative therapy, but the overall incidence was not significantly different between mines in the experimental group and mines in the control group. All miners who screened positive for TB were treated with standard therapy. Due to the nature of their work, miners have a much higher risk of developing active TB then the general population. The research was conducted by the Aurum Institute (Johannesburg, South Africa) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (United Kingdom)
Additional Coverage:
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Five-cent-a-day preventive treatment can reduce TB cases among miners by 63%
TB control in mines disappoints
South Africa sets goal of testing all miners for tuberculosis, getting sufferers treated
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