
Welcome to the WGND Blog

4 Feb 2010
by Working Group

Welcome, and happy Monday! The Working Group for New Drugs of the Stop TB Partnership has some good news to share – starting today, we have launched a new blog.

As you well know, there are armies of people hard at work to make a difference in the war on TB, and lots of encouraging developments in the effort to develop new drug regimens. Our Working Group believes that it is important for us to share our successes and learnings with each other in a digital fashion. The WGND blog provides a quick way to comment on news, and alert each other to emerging theories and studies. It also helps us foster a strong and enduring community among those of us who are working together in the partnership – and others who care about the continuing fight to shorten TB therapy, treat resistant forms, and speed our progress.

So what does this mean for you? We ask that you:

  1. Please subscribe to the blog by setting up an RSS feed or clicking to subscribe by email. (both options are available in the sidebar)
  2. Pass the word along to those people who you think will be interested in reading it.
  3. Consider writing a post or two if you have information you would like to share. To contact the editor and suggest a topic, just
  4. And, if one of our blog posts stirs you up, please comment! We want to hear your point of view, and want to hear about additional resources you’d like to provide to the community.

The blog will cover very serious developments, as well as some fun ones – in a few weeks, for example, we will be posting photos from the Jacques Grossett Symposium.

Thanks for reading this far. Let us know what you think, either on the blog itself or via email.


Mel Spigelman, Co-chair, the Working Group for New Drugs

Bill Bishai, Co-chair, the Working Group for New Drugs

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