
Stop TB Partnership’s Coordinating Board Meets in DC

Today was the opening of the 2-day Stop TB Partnership’s Coordinating Board (CB) meeting in Washington, D.C. which included welcoming remarks by Dr. Rajiv Shah (Administrator, USAID), Ms. Lois Quam (Executive Director, GHI), and Dr. Howard Koh (Assistant Secretary, U.S. Depart. of HHS). Having the meeting in the capital of the U.S. has been a great advocacy opportunity to help reinforce the commitment of the U.S. Government and partners to allocating resources to tuberculosis. During the days preceding the CB meeting, several high level missions were organized with heads of U.S. agencies and the esteemed Ministers of Health from South Africa, Lesotho, and Swaziland.

The board meets biannually to provide leadership and direction, to monitor the implementation of agreed policies, to plan activities of the Partnership, and to ensure coordination among Stop TB Partnership components. The Working Group on New Drugs is represented on the board.

Links to related news:

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