
World TB Day! Overview of Events, News and Messages

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Saturday, March 24, is officially World TB Day but there has been a stream of activities, publications, news and messages to let the world not forget about this major infectious disease killer that claims millions of lives each year.


  • On March 7 and 13, the CORE Group sponsored two webinars on pediatric TB which fit well within the focus on childhood TB for this World TB Day. You can access both webinars at
  • March 16, TB Alliance sponsored “U.S. Advocates Workshop on TB Research and Development” at the Gates Foundation Office in Washington, D.C. The objectives of the meeting were to develop messages for TB research and identify opportunities to communicate them, and to align advocacy strategies to enable R&D issues to be incorporated into ongoing TB advocacy. There were representatives from Aeras, American Thoracic Society, AVAC, Global Health Council, Research!America, RESULTS, Treatment Action Group, and others. For more information contact Heather Ignatius,
  • March 19, the Critical Path to TB Drug Regiments (CPTR) sponsored the event “Cure All: A briefing on the most promising TB drug research.” Click here to read a summary of the event on the blog. Video, photos, and slide presentations of the event can be found at
  • March 21, The TB Elimination Caucus in the House of Representative launched with over 80 people in attendance including 35 congressional staffers. The caucus is sponsored by Congressman Elliott Engel (NY), Congressman Don Young (Alaska), and Congressman Gene Greene (Texas). The three Congressmen spoke of strong interest in continued U.S. funding for TB and ideas of gaining greater support for TB in the U.S. Congress. Click here for additional coverage.

Go to to find out about other upcoming events in TB.


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World TB Day Messages

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